The thing we search

The thing we search

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trig Beacon 30

If only we knew what would happen after this beacon whilst getting home.

Was a rough trip back.

Trig beacon 30
Height 248,1m

Trig beacon 124

Was a mission getting there, but fun as usual....

Trig beacon 124
Height: 228,5m

Trig Beacon 121

Height: 228.8m
Beacon: 30

Friday 09/07/2010

Well, Cameron and I set out on this simple yet fun hike in the mountains to get 3 Trig Beacons in one day...... Trig beacon: 121, 124 and 30.

What we ended up doing was prob the most hectic bundu bashing of my life. I estimated that it would take 1hr 30min, but that was horridly wrong. 2hr 20min later we were done. legs were torn, blood was shed and pants were torn.

Overall it was an awesome hike....

Oh, here's a quick laugh.

Tim jumps across a rock gulley.... ( it seemed smaller than i thought )
Cameron: Geez bud, after watching you do that I thought you weren't going to make it.
Tim: lol, that makes 2 of us..... It was a close one.

So 3 Trig beacons in one day, not too shabby i must say....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Old and New

Never say you won't be replaced.....

Trappieskop Beacon : 91

Beacon no: 91
Height: 240,6m

Well it has been way to long, Cameron always has had an excuse, something about work or something. oh well.

I must say, this hike from Boyes Drive seems like nothing. But it not, it is a good fun hike that can make you huff and puff.... but once on top, you are in for a reward. What a view......

Monday, June 7, 2010

Glen Stables

Trig beacon 126, height:222.1m

Fun walk, long way round.